The Setai, under Trevi management, has accomplished a complete turnaround operationally and financially and has assumed the leadership of its market in REV PAR, ADR and market position.
Trevi‘s renowned foundation for excellence guided the hotel, with full participation of its leadership and operating teams.
The Setai, was awarded a 5 STARS rating in 2015 by Forbes for the first time in the hotel's history, a goal that was set and accomplished by Trevi in only three years.
The hotel’s ownership placed its trust in Trevi to realize its objectives of reorganization and revenue and profit improvements, in order to reach its ultimate goal of a successful sale. Trevi met and exceeded every owner's expectation and realized the ownership’s objectives, with a very successful sale of this one of a kind asset in February, 2015.
After a seamless transition to the new ownership Trevi exited The Setai Hotel upon the expiration of its management contract extension on March 31, 2015.
The Trevi management team wishes The Setai Hotel, its management and staff, as well its new ownership continued success and ongoing prosperity.
Atef Mankarios
Founder and President
The World’s most noted hotels and resorts are each defined by their own unique characteristics – a combination of setting, architecture, local flavor, and most importantly, excellent personal service and creative amenities. The delicate balance of these factors provides each destination with an inimitable reputation that makes its name forever synonymous with an exceptional travel experience.
The Trevi Luxury Hospitality Group is an organization dedicated to creating hotels and resorts of such renown. Having assembled a team of the industry’s most noted and experienced luxury hotel executives; Trevi offers an unparalleled capacity for developing, planning, operating, managing and marketing the finest independent hotels and resorts worldwide.
The Trevi Luxury Hospitality Group is the vision of respected international hotelier Atef Mankarios, who serves as CEO. The members of the Trevi executive team are renowned luxury hoteliers with wide ranging expertise and established track records. Headquartered in Dallas Texas, Trevi provides comprehensive services to select independent luxury hotels and resorts around the world.
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